Friday, August 19, 2022

32 DAYS to 40 — GROAN UPS

Aches and sprains seem ready to spring up - at the slightest hint of a careless stretch or the mildest degree of a thoughtless twist. And the body when you don’t listen to it is less forgiving than a toddler way past his bedtime.

I know of people starting to work on their fitness after turning forty (or as they’re approaching forty). I hear about people joining running groups, doing marathons, treks, losing weight, and so on. I myself did an ‘under 31 at 31′ self-challenge (to run a 5K run in under 31 minutes when I turned 31). I don’t aspire to run across the country or get a six-pack; all I want is to be able to age and die without bothering my loved ones.

For that, I may need to relook at the basics - from breathing to eating to posture to sleep. More than ever before, I cannot take my body for granted.

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