Monday, December 25, 2006


I cried and cried and cried. Throughout the movie.
And came out of the theater, stronger.

I'm glad that there are still people out there making movies the way I like them.
Official Website


Priya said...

good movie huh? unfortunately these movies barely release here.. even if they do.. they disappear sooner than they arrive..


Narayanan Venkitu said...

Hmm..Interesing post. I didn't know anything about this movie...Let me check this out.

I am back from India after my vacation!

luvwannabefree25 said...

I'm going to see this movie tonight!!!

JD ;)

Jeevan said...

Intersting it seems, let me catch some time. Happy New Year dear!

Anonymous said...

Really wanting to watch this movie after ur post...

Badri said...

going to be my weekend movie..thx a lot dude.

Archana said...

Saw this movie yesterday in the theatre. I am going to think twice before cribbing about anything. And try not to take things like food and shelter for granted ...

Incognito said...

I saw the trailer at Sathyam. I do hope they release it here..